The protection of your personal data is of special importance to us. We therefore treat this data exclusively according to legal requirements (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In the following information about data protection we would like to inform you of the most important aspects of the way data is treated by this website.


When you contact us by e-mail or form, we store the information you supply for twelve months. This enables us to process your inquiry and to follow up any ensuing questions. This data is not passed on without your consent.


Our website uses so-called cookies. These are small text-files that are uploaded onto your computer with the help of your browser. They cause no harm.

We use cookies to provide a user-friendly presentation of our information. Some cookies remain stored on your computer until you delete them. They enable us to recognise your browser on your next visit to our site.

If you do not want us to do this, you may adjust your browser so that it informs you as soon as cookies are being used and offers you the choice of allowing this use on that particular occasion only.

Deactivation of cookies may impair the functioning of our website.


Our website uses Squarespace Metrics, a web analysis service of Squarespace Inc., 225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014, USA ("Squarespace"). Squarespace Analytics uses cookies. Data produced by cookies about the use of our website is transfered to a server of Squarespace in the USA where it is stored. Squarespace is certified by the EU-US data protection agreement “Privacy Shield” and is thereby obliged to conform to EU data protection regulations.

Squarespace uses the data to evaluate visitors’ usage of the website, to compile reports about user activity on the site and to offer further services in connection with the website. This information is only transferred when Squarespace is legally required to do so, or when a third party is commission to undertake this evaluation. On no account will Squarespace make any connection between your IP-address and data collected by Squarespace. Through adjusting your browser settings, you can prevent cookies being stored on your computer. Our website will remain available to you should you do this, but our services may be impaired or may not function when cookies are deactivated. By using the website, you consent to the processing of your data collected by Squarespace in the aforesaid manner. You can learn more under


All transferred data is protected by SSL encryption.


We take all suitable technical and organisational measures to protect your data from manipulation, loss, destruction or unauthorised access through a third party. We would like to point out that, despite all technical measures, the internet does not offer absolute security for data. We are not liable for the actions of a third party.


You have full rights to information, correction, deletion, limitation, approval/disapproval of transfer, revocation and appeal.  Should you believe that the processing of your data infringes upon data protection regulations, or that your rights regarding data protection have been in any way been violated, you may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.


Should you have any questions or comments about our collection, processing or use of your personal data, please contact us via